Message from His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani, on the Occasion of the Demise Anniversary of the Founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Imam Khomeini (may Allah bless him)

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Text of His Eminence's Message

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Once again, we are on the threshold of the passing anniversary of the eminent jurist and founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Imam Khomeini (may his soul rest in peace). He was an exceptional figure, rarely seen in recent centuries, and in some respects unparalleled. A man who changed the global political equations and was able to take steps in favor of the oppressed and disrupt the comfortable sleep of the oppressors.

He was steadfast in his path and goal, did not fear anyone but God in this path, and considered the people as a fundamental principle. His brilliance in jurisprudence, principles, theology, philosophy, and interpretation made him one of the most outstanding figures of the seminary, and his gnosticism (ʿirfān), in accordance with the culture of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), was one of his distinguishing features.

Knowledge, action, ethics, and sincerity surged within him, and through reliance on God, seeking the intercession of the Immaculate Ones (peace be upon them), and the support of the people, he brought about the greatest revolution. After his departure, his righteous successor, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, continued on the same path with the same quality, and thus rendered the enemies hopeless.

Today, I reiterate and emphasize the same statement of the Imam that preserving this revolution is the most obligatory of all obligations and weakening it is forbidden. Any issues must be corrected in the right way, the most important of which is the ballot box and selecting the most qualified individual, with the criteria of piety, sincerity, resistance against arrogance, being people-oriented, and believing in the main pillar of the system, which is the Guardianship of the Jurist.

Today, the Iranian nation, after the martyrdom of the President, who was an example of these stated qualities, is on the threshold of elections, and God willing, through their presence and selecting the most qualified individual, they will continue the path of the beloved Imam. It should be noted that today unity is a principle, and the atmosphere of society should not be tainted by damaging other’s reputation, and by slandering, and lying.

In conclusion, while wishing for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), and paying respect to the lofty and celestial spirit of the late Imam Khomeini, and wishing health and increasing success for the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, I ask the Almighty God for the dignity of the dear Iranian nation.


June 2, 2024 

Hussein Noori Hamedani