Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani in a meeting with Dr. Jalili

You have dedicated your life to Islam and Iran, and we do not forget the services you rendered. God willing, the goal should be to serve the people for the pleasure of Allah. It is important to ensure that all your activities are for the welfare of the people

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According to a report published on the Persian webpage of the official website of the office of Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani "may he live long", during a meeting with Dr. Jalili, while offering condolences for the martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him), and referring to Dr. Jalili's revolutionary background and services, His Eminence said: "Sacrifice and service for Islam and Iran are evident in your record."

He continued by referring to the words of Amīr al-Mu'minīn, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) addressing Malik al-Ashtar in letter 53 of Nahj al-Balagha. As stated by the Late Imam Khomeini (ra), "After the Quran, we do not have a book as comprehensive as Nahj al-Balagha in which Imam Ali (peace be upon him) advised Malik al-Ashtar to behave kindly towards people and said:

وأشعِرْ قَلبَكَ الرَّحمَةَ لِلرَّعِیَّةِ، والمحبَّة لَهُم، واللُّطفَ بهِم، ولاتَكونَنَّ علَیهِم سَبُعا ضارِیا تَغتَنِمُ أكلَهُم؛ فإنَّهُم صِنفانِ: إمّا أخٌ لَكَ فی الدِّینِ، أو نَظیرٌ لَكَ فی الخَلقِ.

'Instill mercy in your heart for the subjects, love for them, and kindness towards them. Do not be like a ravenous beast towards them, seeking to devour them, for they are of two kinds: either your brethren in faith or your equals in creation...'.

In other words, the people under your rule are of two kinds; either they are your brothers in religion or they are those who have accepted you. Treat both with kindness and fairness."

He further referred to another part of this letter: "People are the pillars of religion and a shield against enemies."

His Eminence added: "Pay attention to the people, they are very important. During the imposed war, these very people sacrificed their lives, property, and their brave children in defense of Islam and Iran. It is important to ensure that all activities are for the welfare of the people."

He emphasized the importance of the upcoming elections and urged all noble Iranian people to come to the ballot boxes and, by choosing the best candidate, pave the way for a strong Iran.

Touching on the crimes committed by America against the Iranian nation and by Israel in Gaza, Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani stated that resistance against arrogance and recognizing the enemy, especially the Zionists and America, is very necessary. He quoted the Supreme Leader saying that while they appear well-groomed in their own gatherings, they have the nature of dogs towards other nations.

He concluded, "This revolution was the victory of blood over the sword, and God willing, it will pave the way for the emergence (of the Mahdi)."