Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani (may he live long) in a meeting with Dr. Zakani

Management is effective when accompanied by knowledge and piety

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According to the official website of the Office of Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani (may he live long), Dr. Zakani met this morning with His Eminence who congratulated him on the blessed Eid of Ghadir Khumm and emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity in the Islamic society. He stated: "Management is effective when accompanied by knowledge and piety."

His Eminence, thanking Dr. Zakani for his valuable efforts in various periods of responsibility, narrated a saying: "Every residential area needs three things: first, a knowledgeable and pious jurist who undertakes the cultural, religious, and political aspects of the society; second, a trusted and insightful physician who takes care of the people's physical and mental health; and third, a benevolent leader and overseer who addresses the various affairs of the people and resolves their problems."

His Eminence referred to and emphasized Dr. Zakani's background in serving the people and solving their problems.