Message from Grand Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani Inviting Participation in the Fourteenth Presidential Election

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Text of the Message by His Eminence

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,

With gratitude to all who participated in the first round of the fourteenth presidential election, and given the special domestic and international circumstances, as well as the need to address the economic and livelihood challenges facing our people, to strengthen our nation's position on the international stage, and to demonstrate unity and solidarity within our country, I extend my invitation to all, particularly those who were unable to participate in the first round, to come forth with firm resolve and steady steps on Friday. By choosing the most qualified candidate, let us once again display the splendor and grandeur of Islamic Iran.

I pray to Almighty God for everyone's success.

Hussein Noori Hamedani