Message from the Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani Regarding the Closure of the Islamic Center in Germany and Its Affiliated Institutions


Text of His Eminence's Message

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Allah Almighty states in His holy book: "And who is more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in His mosques and strive toward their destruction?" (Quran: 2 114)

Who is more oppressive than those who prevent people from mentioning the name of Allah in mosques and endeavor to ruin them?

The closure of the Islamic Center in Germany and its affiliated institutions by the German government, under false pretenses, despite its seventy-year history of promoting religion, spirituality, peace, freedom, security, altruism, and service to humanity, has caused me and all religious individuals, free thinkers, and supporters of true human rights and freedom of religion great concern.

This center is the legacy of the great Shiite authority and esteemed scholar, the late Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi (may God's mercy be upon him).

This great cultural injustice is an affront to the sanctities of all Muslims and a violation of the rights of all monotheists and supporters of justice, freedom, spirituality, and human rights.

I strongly condemn this anti-religious and anti-human rights action by the German government and expect the German government to swiftly reconsider this erroneous decision, which benefits extremists and enemies of religion and freedom, and contradicts legal norms and even the laws of that country. Furthermore, religious and spiritual centers, international forums, and global human rights institutions around the world must express solidarity with the oppressed Muslims of Germany and support them in opposing this inhumane behavior.

And Allah is the best helper regarding what they describe.

26 July 2024

Qom, Holy City – Hussein Nouri Hamedani